General information
Board of the Euro-PDT
L.R. Braathen, Bern, Switzerland, President
R.-M. Szeimies, Recklinghausen, Germany, Vice President
C.A. Morton, Stirling, Scotland, Board Member
Local Congress President
Y.Gilaberte, Zaragoza, Spain
Permanent Scientific Committee
L.R. Braathen, Bern - Switzerland
R.-M. Szeimies, Recklinghausen - Germany
C.A. Morton, Stirling - Scotland
N. Basset-Seguin, Paris - France
Y. Gilaberte, Zaragoza - Spain
P. Calzavara-Pinton, Brescia - Italy
H.C. Wulf, Copenhagen - Denmark
A.-M. Wennberg, Gothenburg - Sweden
R.E. Hunger, Bern - Switzerland
Congress secretariat and hotel reservation

Awards for best oral presentations
Awards for best oral presentations
sponsored by Galderma
1. Stefano Caccavale
C24 - PDT as Treatment Option for Cutaneous Lymphoma
2. Samira Baharlou
C15 - Homebased Photodynamic Daylight Therapy, My daily practice approach at the UZ Brussels
3. Berenice Lang
C07 - PDT for Occupational Diseases
Awards for best posters
Awards for best posters
sponsored by Photonamic
1. Jimena Nicolás Morala
S. Gallego Rentero, A. Barahona, Y. Gilaberte, A. Juarranz, S. González
P01: PDT optimization after 5-Fluorouracil treatment in SCC
2. Tamara Gracia-Cazaña
A. Navarro Bielsa, M. Almenara Blasco, O. Yélamos, P. Fonda, A J. García-Malinis, I. Martinez, R.C. Temple, E. Simeone, M. Morelli, Y. Gilaberte
P04: Usefulness of the SmartPDT® digital medical device to optimise the effectiveness and safety of natural Daylight-PDT (NDL-PDT): a clinical study in Spain
3. Manuel Almenara-Blasco
A. Navarro-Bielsa, T. Gracia-Cazaña, Y. Gilaberte
P02: Recurrent mucocutaneous leishmaniasis treated with the light device Fotosan 630
