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Clin. Photodynamics

Rules and conditions to apply for:

Specialist Certificate
PDT Centre Accreditation
Centre of Excellence

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EURO-PDT  Specialist.
Appointment of PDT Specialist.


To ensure the highest possible standards in treatment of patients we encourage colleagues to apply for a PDT Specialist Certificate.

To be eligible for a PDT Specialist Certificate, the applicant shall require to have:

  1. Participated in an EURO-PDT approved  course on topical PDT.
  2. Passed a EURO-PDT examination on topical PDT.
  3. Participated in at least one annual EURO-PDT Congress.
  4. Treated at least 30 patients with PDT based on evidence-based guidelines.
  5.  Access to the necessary infrastructure including an appropriate illumination system.

The PDT Specialist Programme is a EURO-PDT concept, independent of commercial sponsorship.
The website of EURO-PDT,  hosts a list of all EURO-PDT certified Specialists.
Certified Specialists are providing a contact point for patients, referral of patients and for local and international organisations.
Applications including documentation of the prerequisites shall be addressed to:  The Certification Committee, EURO-PDT.  
The Specialist Certificate is valid for 5 years.
The cost of the Specialist Certificate is Euros: 450,-
If the specialist intends to use the EURO-PDT Specialist Certificate Logo for his/her purposes (website advertisement, letterhead etc.) for the duration of the validity of the certificate a fee of Euros 950,- will be charged.






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Last update: 2016-04-07